Tuesday, June 14, 2011


*Afraz & *Anisha Muqtadir are the couple assigned here. The place is near the sea so the main livelihood is fishing. Our approach is providing health-services to the villagers. Though they believed in one God, the people do not read the Qur'an and rely on the Imams for religious programs. The villagers rely heavily on seafood and food imported from Malaysia. Sometimes you will find the small stores selling pechay from Malaysia. The villagers do not plant near the sea. This has become a major problem since all of the houses are standing on the seashore (houses on stilts). To show them that plants can grow near the sea, the missionaries gathered soil from the forest and put them on old tires and old boats in front of their house. What a surprise it was when their plants like pechay, talbos ng kamote, gabi, and beans grow healthy on the makeshift garden. There are still a lot to be done. But the mere presence of the missionaries are introducing changes that will help them be prepared for the Gospel.

 Assigned here is a couple.

 One of their culture after marriage is the newly wed dancing all night.